Oxy pots produce massive yields without a timer and with hardly any media.
The roots grow through the mesh pots into the misting chamber full of nutrient solution. The air pump constantly oxygenates the solution and the roots have constant access to water, nutrients and oxygen for exceptionally fast growth.
It’s impossible to saturate plants in an Oxy pot because the roots only take up what they need when they need it. Just keep the misting chamber topped-up and it’s impossible to underwater because the solution is always available to the plants.
The misting chambers hold 19 to Liters of nutrient solution – so there’s no need to visit your plants daily.
There is a viewing water level tube mounted to the side so you can see the water level easily, This allows you know when a top up is needed.
This system is designed that the included air pump can rum at all times keeping the water moving and fresh for the roots to access.
NOTE: Due to plants( under lights) uptake more water than nutrients half strength nutrients is all that is required.plants grown with out lights full strength is recommended.
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